Thursday, March 3, 2016

Blog 19: Third Answer

RUVIS comes in different sizes, and models.

  1. EQ 
    1. What skill is most useful to a crime scene investogator in an investigation?
  2. Answer #3 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
    1. The most useful skill to a crime scene investigator is the ability to understand and use technology .
  3. 3 details to support the answer 
    1. Using softwares such as photoshop , surprisingly is highly esstencial as a CSI. Photoshop is not used to alter photos in anyway as that would be unethical . Photoshop is used to play with lighting, as well as it is used to identify ridge detailing , and markers in a fingerprint to show a comparison. As well as if said fingerprint is a match or not .
    2. RUVIS is another technology quite frequented by the use of a crime scene investigator. It is used to see bodily fluids , as well as some fingerprints with the help of chemicals . Using this little machine is highly technical, it's is similar to alternate light source , but a little different.
    3. Crime scene mapping is another thing that requires the use of technology. There is a machine in which I haven't gotten the name for yet, but what it does is shoot out a bunch of lasers , and basically documents and measures everything the laser comes in contact with. Along with the laser machine is a program used on a computer to sort of set up the machine as well as read the data.
  4. The research source(s) to support your details and answer
    1. Interview #3
    2. Source #32
    3. Source #34
    4. Source #37d
  5. Concluding Sentence
    1. Technology in crime scene investigation is widely used. It is integrated from simple things as the use of a phone, to more complex systems such as the RUVIS machine, and laser technologies. I will need to continue my research to delve further into the integration.

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